The goal of TEMI­ME’s lawyers is to offer assis­tance and a rigo­rous and effec­tive defence inclu­ding the pre­ven­tion of cri­mi­nal risks in com­pa­nies, hea­ring pre­pa­ra­tion (with concrete simu­la­tions), mana­ge­ment of cri­mi­nal and liti­ga­tion pro­cee­dings, and plea­ding, with a dis­tinc­tive expe­rience in sen­si­tive and/or high media expo­sure matters.

The firm’s lawyers act in legal pro­cee­dings connec­ted to :

  • gene­ral cri­mi­nal law : crimes and mis­de­mea­nours against people and property.
  • cri­mi­nal busi­ness law : fraud, misap­pro­pria­tion of com­pa­ny assets, breach of trust, money laun­de­ring, cor­rup­tion, influence pedd­ling, ille­gal unde­cla­red conflict of inter­est, tax fraud, stock mar­ket offences, infrin­ge­ment, cyber­crime, mis­lea­ding com­mer­cial prac­tices, etc.
  • cri­mi­nal health law : public health cases, decep­tion to the detriment of the consu­mer, mans­laugh­ter and invo­lun­ta­ry injury.
  • cri­mi­nal aspects of employ­ment law (harass­ment, dis­cri­mi­na­tion, unde­cla­red work, second­ments, work-rela­ted acci­dents, hin­de­ring the pro­per ope­ra­tion of staff repre­sen­ta­tive bodies, …).
  • busi­ness liti­ga­tion : defence before com­mer­cial courts, admi­nis­tra­tive autho­ri­ties (such as the Auto­ri­té des Mar­chés Finan­ciers (AMF) [Finan­cial Mar­kets Autho­ri­ty] or the Auto­ri­té de la Concur­rence [Com­pe­ti­tion Autho­ri­ty]), etc.
  • other liti­ga­tion : press law (defa­ma­tion, right to pri­va­cy), defense before pro­fes­sio­nal and dis­ci­pli­na­ry bodies, fami­ly law etc.

The firm also defends its clients facing jus­tice abroad.

TEMIME defends its clients invol­ved in legal pro­cee­dings abroad or sus­pec­ted of having com­mit­ted a cri­mi­nal offence abroad. It has deve­lo­ped a series of part­ner­ships with the finest inde­pendent lawyers spe­cia­li­sed in cri­mi­nal defence in Europe, the Uni­ted States and Africa.
TEMIME also works with his clients facing liti­ga­tion abroad at the occa­sion of their com­mer­cial and finan­cial activities.

TEMIME has deve­lo­ped part­ner­ships with the finest inde­pendent lawyers spe­cia­li­sed in cri­mi­nal defence in Europe, in the Uni­ted-States and in Africa.

In March 2022, TEMIME ope­ned a new desk in Luxem­bourg.