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The Firm

TEMIME : The culture and practice of criminal defence and litigation

Her­vé TEMIME (1957 – 2023), foun­ding part­ner of TEMIME law­firm, set him­self up in 1979 as a lawyer spe­cia­li­sing in cri­mi­nal law. His exper­tise in this field was qui­ck­ly reco­gni­sed and enabled him to become a key figure of the Bar as a result of the major cri­mi­nal pro­cee­dings in which he ser­ved as coun­sel before the cour d’assises [cri­mi­nal court].At the end of the 1980s, due to this tho­rough know­ledge of gene­ral cri­mi­nal law and the mas­te­ring of finan­cial tools, he also gai­ned recog­ni­tion as a lea­ding lawyer in the field of cri­mi­nal busi­ness law at a time when cri­mi­nal pro­cee­dings for finan­cial offences were on the rise, before expan­ding his acti­vi­ty to litigation.
In line with this com­ple­men­ta­ry approach (gene­ral cri­mi­nal law, cri­mi­nal busi­ness law and liti­ga­tion), Her­vé TEMIME deci­ded to gra­dual­ly, since 2008, build a law­firm with his best asso­ciates spe­cia­li­sed in cri­mi­nal defence and liti­ga­tion in all its forms.
Bene­fi­ting from the diver­si­ty of the exper­tise and expe­rience of its 6 part­ners, the firm acts before all cri­mi­nal, civil and com­mer­cial courts in France. It has also deve­lo­ped par­ti­cu­lar exper­tise in inter­na­tio­nal matters.
The firm’s excel­lence has been offi­cial­ly reco­gni­sed on nume­rous occa­sions : ran­kings by Cham­bers and Part­ners, in the Legal 500 and in the maga­zine Déci­deurs (Lea­ders League), Who’s Who Legal, etc.
In 2018, TEMIME won the « Best Spe­cia­li­zed Team White Col­lar Crime » award at the Tro­phées du Droit cere­mo­ny, and Her­vé TEMIME was named « Lawyer of the year » (cri­mi­nal defense) by Best Lawyers.
In 2019, TEMIME recei­ved ano­ther award at the Tro­phées du Droit cere­mo­ny in the « White Col­lar Crime » cate­go­ry, and the Firm’s lea­der­ship was ack­now­led­ged by seve­ral French major busi­ness news­pa­pers (Les EchosChal­lenges).
In 2024, the firm has 25 lawyers, all dedi­ca­ted to cri­mi­nal defense. It is the lar­gest team in France in this field.

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The goal of TEMI­ME’s lawyers is to offer assis­tance and a rigo­rous and effec­tive defence inclu­ding the pre­ven­tion of cri­mi­nal risks in com­pa­nies, hea­ring pre­pa­ra­tion (with concrete simu­la­tions), mana­ge­ment of cri­mi­nal and liti­ga­tion pro­cee­dings, and plea­ding, with a dis­tinc­tive expe­rience in sen­si­tive and/or high media expo­sure matters.

The firm’s lawyers act in legal pro­cee­dings connec­ted to :

  • gene­ral cri­mi­nal law : crimes and mis­de­mea­nours against people and property.
  • cri­mi­nal busi­ness law : fraud, misap­pro­pria­tion of com­pa­ny assets, breach of trust, money laun­de­ring, cor­rup­tion, influence pedd­ling, ille­gal unde­cla­red conflict of inter­est, tax fraud, stock mar­ket offences, infrin­ge­ment, cyber­crime, mis­lea­ding com­mer­cial prac­tices, etc.
  • cri­mi­nal health law : public health cases, decep­tion to the detriment of the consu­mer, mans­laugh­ter and invo­lun­ta­ry injury.
  • cri­mi­nal aspects of employ­ment law (harass­ment, dis­cri­mi­na­tion, unde­cla­red work, second­ments, work-rela­ted acci­dents, hin­de­ring the pro­per ope­ra­tion of staff repre­sen­ta­tive bodies, …).
  • busi­ness liti­ga­tion : defence before com­mer­cial courts, admi­nis­tra­tive autho­ri­ties (such as the Auto­ri­té des Mar­chés Finan­ciers (AMF) [Finan­cial Mar­kets Autho­ri­ty] or the Auto­ri­té de la Concur­rence [Com­pe­ti­tion Autho­ri­ty]), etc.
  • other liti­ga­tion : press law (defa­ma­tion, right to pri­va­cy), defense before pro­fes­sio­nal and dis­ci­pli­na­ry bodies, fami­ly law etc.

The firm also defends its clients facing jus­tice abroad.

TEMIME defends its clients invol­ved in legal pro­cee­dings abroad or sus­pec­ted of having com­mit­ted a cri­mi­nal offence abroad. It has deve­lo­ped a series of part­ner­ships with the finest inde­pendent lawyers spe­cia­li­sed in cri­mi­nal defence in Europe, the Uni­ted States and Africa.
TEMIME also works with his clients facing liti­ga­tion abroad at the occa­sion of their com­mer­cial and finan­cial activities.

TEMIME has deve­lo­ped part­ner­ships with the finest inde­pendent lawyers spe­cia­li­sed in cri­mi­nal defence in Europe, in the Uni­ted-States and in Africa.

In March 2022, TEMIME ope­ned a new desk in Luxem­bourg.


The Team


Founding partner

Hervé TEMIME (1957 – 2023)

In 1979, Her­vé TEMIME set his firm as soon as he was regis­te­red to the bar. He very qui­ck­ly gai­ned an illus­trious repu­ta­tion in nume­rous pro­cee­dings before the Assize Court (the court which hears cri­mi­nal cases). For 44 years he has been reco­gni­sed as a spe­cia­list in the cri­mi­nal defence of indi­vi­duals and legal enti­ties, in the fields of both gene­ral cri­mi­nal law and cri­mi­nal busi­ness law. He has defen­ded indi­vi­duals invol­ved in nume­rous sen­si­tive mat­ters, as well as liti­ga­tion pro­cee­dings with high-stakes issues. He has also defen­ded fel­low lawyers before judi­cial and pro­fes­sio­nal bodies.
He is the author of La défense dans la peau (Stock, 2012).

Her­vé TEMIME has also car­ried out various func­tions connec­ted to his legal activity.
He was the Pre­mier Secré­taire de la Confé­rence du Stage [Lau­reate of a com­pe­ti­tion of young lawyers] of the Ver­sailles Bar in 1980.
In 1991 he foun­ded the Asso­cia­tion Des Avo­cats Péna­listes [Asso­cia­tion of Lawyers Spe­cia­li­sed in Cri­mi­nal Defence] (of which he is still Hono­ra­ry Pre­sident) and was for­mer­ly a mem­ber of the Conseil de l’Ordre [Bar Coun­cil] (AMCO) bet­ween 1999 and 2002. He has publi­shed two books : La défense dans la peau (Stock, 2012) and Secret défense (Gal­li­mard, 2020).

Read Her­vé TEMI­ME’s por­trait by Le Figa­ro in July 2019.
Read Her­vé TEMI­ME’s por­trait by Vani­ty Fair in april 2020.
Read Her­vé TEMI­ME’s pre­sen­ta­tion by GQ Maga­zine (1st place of 2013 ranking).
Raed Her­vé TEMI­ME’s pre­sen­ta­tion by Déci­deurs (Lea­ders League) (Join 1st place of the 2017 ran­king cate­go­ry : White Col­lar Crime).
Read Her­vé TEMI­ME’s por­trait in the Chal­lenges in Sep­tem­ber 2011.
Read Her­vé TEMI­LE’s por­trait by Le Point in Sep­tem­ber 2020.
Lis­ten to her­vé TEMI­ME’s inter­view on France Inter radio on 17th Octo­ber 2015.
Lis­ten to Her­vé TEMI­ME’s inter­view on France Culture radio in Janua­ry 2019.
Read Her­vé TEMI­ME’s inter­view by Le Jour­nal Du Dimanche on 3rd Februa­ry 2019.



Corinne Drey­fus-Schmidt deci­ded to become a lawyer spe­cia­li­sed in cri­mi­nal defence in 1989 thanks to Hen­ri LECLERC. She began her car­rier with Her­vé TEMIME and.then she foun­ded her own firm in 1993 in the same office as Her­vé TEMIME. She the­reaf­ter became a part­ner in the TEMIME firm. Spe­cia­li­sed in gene­ral cri­mi­nal law and sea­so­ned in cri­mi­nal busi­ness law, she liti­gates on a regu­lar basis before cri­mi­nal courts and Assize Court (the court which hears cri­mi­nal cases) all over France and also abroad, in par­ti­cu­lar in Afri­ca. She also acts before various pro­fes­sio­nal and dis­ci­pli­na­ry bodies, in par­ti­cu­lar in the area of sports law.

Corinne Drey­fus-Schmidt teaches cri­mi­nal law and pro­ce­dure before the Assize Court (the court which hears cri­mi­nal cases) at the Ecole de For­ma­tion du Bar­reau [Bar trai­ning school] and at the Ecole Natio­nale de la Magis­tra­ture [natio­nal school for the trai­ning of judges].
She was elec­ted Vice-Pre­sident of the Union des Péna­listes Euro­péens [euro­pean asso­cia­tion of lawyers spe­cia­li­sed in cri­mi­nal defence] in Februa­ry 2016. She was Pre­sident of the Asso­cia­tion Des Avo­cats Péna­listes [french asso­cia­tion of lawyers spe­cia­li­sed in cri­mi­nal defence] from 2008 to 2016 ; she is now membre of the board of this asso­cia­tion. She takes part in the stu­dy of legal deve­lop­ments with the law com­mis­sions of Par­lia­ment and, as such, has become a lea­ding par­ti­ci­pant in col­lo­quia on cri­mi­nal defence.


Julia Min­kows­ki was admit­ted to the Paris Bar in 2006 when she joi­ned Her­vé TEMIME, before beco­ming a part­ner of TEMIME. She main­ly acts in busi­ness cri­mi­nal law, gene­ral cri­mi­nal law and busi­ness liti­ga­tion, as well as in press law and art mar­ket mat­ters. She has deve­lo­ped an in-depth mas­te­ry of inter­na­tio­nal cases, in par­ti­cu­lar those in English-spea­king countries.
Julia Min­kows­ki holds a Mas­ter’s degree in Busi­ness Law and a DEA [post­gra­duate diplo­ma] in Gene­ral Pri­vate Law from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris II Pan­théon-Assas. She is also a gra­duate of the Ins­ti­tut d’E­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) and com­ple­ted part of her stu­dies on an exchange pro­gramme with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Colum­bia in New York.

Julia Min­kows­ki is the co-foun­der and Pre­sident of the Club des Femmes Péna­listes. [Club of Women Lawyers spe­cia­li­sed in cri­mi­nal defence]
She was selec­ted by the French-Ame­ri­can Foun­da­tion as one of the twen­ty French and Ame­ri­can people aged 30 to 40 years old cal­led on to play a major role in coope­ra­tion bet­ween France and the Uni­ted States : the Young Leaders.
She teaches at the Ins­ti­tut d’E­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po).
She has publi­shed two books : L’avocat était une femme (JC Lat­tès, 2021) and Par-delà l’attente (JC Lat­tès, 2022).

Read Julia MIN­KOWS­KI’s por­trait by par Libé­ra­tion in Janua­ry 2021
Read Julia MIN­KOWS­KI’s inter­view by Ouest France en April 2021
Read Julia MIN­KOWS­KI’s book pre­sen­ta­tion by Le Point in Decem­ber 2020
Read Julia MIN­KOWS­KI’s book pre­sen­ta­tion by Le Monde in Janua­ry 2021
Read Julia MIN­KOWS­KI’s book pre­sen­ta­tion by Le Figa­ro in Janua­ry 2021
Lis­ten to the speech of Julia MINKOWSKI on Europe 1 radio in June 2017
Lis­ten to the speech of Julia MINKOWSKI on France Inter radio on 10th Janua­ry 2021
Lis­ten to the speech of Julia MINKOWSKI on France Culture radio on 21st April 2021


Mar­tin Rey­naud is a part­ner at TEMIME. He gra­dua­ted in 2006 from the Ins­ti­tut d’E­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po). He conti­nued his stu­dies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris I Pan­théon-Sor­bonne, with degrees in gene­ral pri­vate law, and cri­mi­nal and cri­mi­nal poli­cy law gai­ned in 2008. He has been admit­ted to the Paris Bar since 2010, when he joi­ned TEMIME.
Mar­tin Rey­naud acts prin­ci­pal­ly in mat­ters of gene­ral cri­mi­nal law, cri­mi­nal busi­ness law and press law.

He was in 2011 elec­ted Secré­taire de la Confé­rence des avo­cats du Bar­reau de Paris, a two-hun­dred-year-old ins­ti­tu­tion which each year, by means of a public spea­king com­pe­ti­tion, elects 12 lawyers in order for them to be court-appoin­ted before the cour d’as­sises [cri­mi­nal court] in the most com­plex and serious matters.
He works with gra­duate stu­dents spe­cia­li­zing in cri­mi­nal law at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris Sud.
He teaches at the Ins­ti­tut d’E­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po).


Léon DEL FORNO is admit­ted to the Paris and New York Bars. He began his career in the ame­ri­can law firm SKADDEN ARPS, where he prac­ti­ced cor­po­rate law (M&A), from 2011 through 2015, when he joi­ned TEMIME, before beco­ming a part­ner. His prac­tice main­ly focuses on white-col­lar crime, cri­mi­nal law, and busi­ness law (cor­po­rate advice and busi­ness litigation).
Léon DEL FORNO holds a Mas­ter in Eco­no­mic Law from the Ins­ti­tut d’E­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po), a Mas­ter in Busi­ness Law from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris I Pan­théon-Sor­bonne, as well as a Mas­ter of Laws (LL.M.) from the Har­vard Law School.

In 2014, he was elec­ted Secré­taire de la Confé­rence des Avo­cats du Bar­reau de Paris, a two-hun­dred-year-old ins­ti­tu­tion which each year, by means of a deba­ting com­pe­ti­tion, elects 12 lawyers in order for them to be court-appoin­ted in the most com­plex and serious cri­mi­nal matters.

Read Léon DEL FOR­NO’s pre­sen­ta­tion by Vani­ty Fair.
Read the article « Droit pénal des affaires : la relève » publi­shed in the news­pa­per Les Echos in 2018.
Read Léon DEL FORNO’s pro­file in Cham­bers and Partners
Read Léon DEL FORNO’s book pre­sen­ta­tion in Les Echos in Sep­tem­ber 2021
Read Léon DEL FORNO’s inter­view in Dal­loz Actua­li­té in June 2021


Olin­ka MALATERRE is a part­ner at TEMIME and runs the Mar­seille office since 2016.
Lawyer since 2011, after a first expe­rience in the Ame­ri­can busi­ness law firm WEIL GOTSHAL, she joi­ned TEMIME in 2013.
Olin­ka MALATERRE gai­ned a Mas­ter’s degree in Busi­ness Law from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris I Pan­théon-Sor­bonne in 2007, to which she added by stu­diying legal and tax stra­te­gy at HEC Paris at the same time as busi­ness law at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris I Pan­théon-Sor­bonne. She is a spe­cia­list in cri­mi­nal busi­ness law, gene­ral cri­mi­nal law, and busi­ness litigation.

Olin­ka MALATERRE teaches at the Ins­ti­tut d’E­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po).
She is a Mon­treal Bar member.

Read Mar­seille’s office pre­sen­ta­tion by Décideurs


Harold TEBOUL was admit­ted to the Paris Bar in 2011 and he began his legal career at TEMIME, before beco­ming a part­ner. His prac­tice main­ly focuses on white-col­lar crime, cri­mi­nal law and busi­ness liti­ga­tion. He has deve­lo­ped a solid exper­tise in cri­mi­nal law in the heal­th­care sec­tor and he repre­sents phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies and indus­try and heal­th­care professionals.
Harold TEBOUL holds a Mas­ter’s degree in Busi­ness Law gai­ned from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris II Pan­théon-Assas in 2007, as well as a Cor­po­rate Lawyer Mas­ter’s degree gai­ned from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris V Des­cartes in 2008.

Harold TEBOUL holds a Mas­ter’s degree in Busi­ness Law gai­ned from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris II Pan­théon-Assas in 2007, as well as a Cor­po­rate Lawyer Mas­ter’s degree gai­ned from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris V Des­cartes in 2008.


Chi­rine HEYDARI-MALAYERI is a part­ner at TEMIME. She gra­dua­ted from the Ins­ti­tut d’É­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) Law School in 2011. She was admit­ted to the Paris Bar in 2013 and joi­ned TEMIME the same year.
Chi­rine HEYDARI-MALAYERI spe­cia­lizes in cri­mi­nal law, white-col­lar crime, pri­son law and cri­mi­nal sen­tences enfor­ce­ment. She also conducts inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tions in labor law and assists defen­dants in such proceedings.

Chi­rine HEYDARI-MALAYERI has repre­sen­ted nume­rous defen­dants before French cri­mi­nal courts (assises), depart­men­tal cri­mi­nal courts and the cor­rec­tio­nal courts. She is a mem­ber of the French sec­tion of the Inter­na­tio­nal Pri­son Obser­va­to­ry and of the Asso­cia­tion des avo­cats pour les droits des déte­nus (A3D). In 2009–2010, she was Pre­sident of GENEPI (Grou­pe­ment étu­diant natio­nal d’en­sei­gne­ment aux per­sonnes incar­cé­rées). She super­vises TEMIME’s pro bono efforts, which she ini­tia­ted along­side Her­vé TEMIME. Chi­rine HEYDARI-MALAYERI has been a tea­cher at the Ins­ti­tut d’É­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) since 2018.


A mem­ber of the Paris Bar since 2012, Quen­tin DE MARGERIE is a part­ner at TEMIME.
His prac­tice focuses on civil, com­mer­cial and finan­cial liti­ga­tion as well as white-col­lar crime.
He regu­lar­ly handles com­plex domes­tic and cross-bor­der dis­putes, and has deve­lo­ped spe­ci­fic exper­tise in cor­po­rate law, sha­re­hol­der dis­putes and post‑M&A tran­sac­tions, direc­tors” lia­bi­li­ty and secu­ri­ty law.
Quen­tin DE MARGERIE is a gra­duate of ESSEC busi­ness school and holds a Mas­ter’s degree in Liti­ga­tion, Arbi­tra­tion and Alter­na­tive Dis­pute Reso­lu­tion from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris II Pan­théon-Assas. Prior to joi­ning TEMIME in 2016, he wor­ked for seve­ral years at the US law firm SKADDEN ARPS.

QUENTIN DE MARGERIE has been reco­gni­zed by Best Lawyers ran­kings since 2022 in cri­mi­nal defense.



Balthazar LEVY

Bal­tha­zar LEVY gra­dua­ted in Inter­na­tio­nal Law at Pan­théon-Assas Paris II Uni­ver­si­ty in 2015, since then he has obtai­ned an L.L.M. and Mas­ter’s degree in Com­pa­ra­tive and Euro­pean Pri­vate Inter­na­tio­nal Law from Dun­dee Uni­ver­si­ty and Tou­louse Capi­tole I Uni­ver­si­ty. Since his expe­rience at Thier­ry Lévy et Asso­ciés law firm he has spe­cia­li­sed in Cri­mi­nal Law and Cri­mi­nal Busi­ness Law. He speaks English fluently. 

Vincent DESRY

Admit­ted to the Paris and New York State Bars, Vincent DESRY holds a Mas­ter in Eco­no­mic Law from the Ins­ti­tut d’É­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po), with a concen­tra­tion in Eco­no­mic and Busi­ness Liti­ga­tion and Arbi­tra­tion, and a Mas­ter of Laws (LL.M.) from the New York Uni­ver­si­ty School of Law. Before joi­ning the Firm, he inter­ned at Allen & Ove­ry and Dupond-Moret­ti & Vey. He is a lec­tu­rer at the Ins­ti­tut d’É­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po). He speaks English fluently. 

Gwennhaëlle BARRAL

A for­mer student of the École Nor­male Supé­rieure (Cachan), Gwenn­haëlle BARRAL gra­dua­ted in 2015 from Ins­ti­tut d’Etudes Poli­tiques of Paris (Sciences-Po). She then com­ple­ted ano­ther Master’s degree in gene­ral pri­vate Law at Paris I Pan­théon-Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty. After a first expe­rience as an asso­ciate in a cor­po­rate law firm, she joi­ned TEMIME in 2018 and now spe­cia­lizes in white col­lar cri­mi­nal defense and dis­pute reso­lu­tion. Also admit­ted to Luxem­bourg bar (list I), she has been in charge of TEMIME’s Luxem­bourg desk since 2022. She speaks English fluently. 


Sipan OHANIANS is a mem­ber of the Paris and New York Bars. He joi­ned TEMIME in 2020 after four years of prac­tice in inter­na­tio­nal arbi­tra­tion at SHEARMAN & STERLING. He advises on cri­mi­nal law, white-col­lar crimes, busi­ness liti­ga­tion and inter­na­tio­nal arbi­tra­tion. He holds a Master’s degree in inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness law and a Master’s degree in Anglo-Ame­ri­can busi­ness law from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris I Pan­théon-Sor­bonne as well as an LL.M. in busi­ness law from the UCLA School of Law. He is fluent in English and Arme­nian. In 2024, he was elec­ted Secré­taire de la Confé­rence des Avo­cats du Bar­reau de Paris. 


Louis MESSAGER spe­cia­li­zed in gene­ral cri­mi­nal law and cri­mi­nal busi­ness law after he gra­dua­ted his Mas­ter’s degree in Eco­no­mic Law from the Ins­ti­tut d’E­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po). After an inter­n­shi­p with the Public Pro­se­cu­tor’s Office in Mar­seille, Louis MESSAGER joi­ned TEMI­ME’s Mar­seille office in 2021. He speaks English fluently. 


Mem­ber of the Paris Bar, Inès GIACOMETTI is spe­cia­li­zed in gene­ral cri­mi­nal law, busi­ness cri­mi­nal law and inter­na­tio­nal cri­mi­nal law. She holds Mas­ters’ degree in Inter­na­tio­nal law, Inter­na­tio­nal Cri­mi­nal and Busi­ness Law from Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty and a Cer­ti­fi­cate in Cri­mi­no­lo­gi­cal Sciences from the Paris Ins­ti­tute of Cri­mi­no­lo­gy. She is a mem­ber of the French sec­tion of the OIP [Inter­na­tio­nal Obser­va­to­ry of Pri­sons] and teaches cri­mi­nal law and pro­ce­dure at Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty. She is fluent in English.


Marie GEOFFROY gra­dua­ted in 2019 from the Ins­ti­tut d’É­tudes Poli­tiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) as vale­dic­to­rian of the Master’s degree in Eco­no­mic Law. She also holds a Mas­ter 2 in Inter­na­tio­nal Cri­mi­nal Jus­tice from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris II Pan­théon-Assas. After inter­n­ships at the Inter­na­tio­nal Cri­mi­nal Court in a defense team and at the French law firms VIGO, MAISONNEUVE and ABPA, Marie GEOFFROY joi­ned TEMIME where she focuses in cri­mi­nal law and white col­lar crime. She is fluent in English and Spanish.


Jade RADIX HESS holds a doc­to­rate in law from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris Pan­théon-Assas Paris II and is a mem­ber of the Paris Bar. She is the author of a PhD the­sis in finan­cial mar­ket law on cree­ping takeo­vers. After inter­n­ships at the Paris Court of Appeal and at BREDIN PRAT, she joi­ned TEMIME where she prac­tices in busi­ness liti­ga­tion and cri­mi­nal busi­ness law. She is fluent in English.


Lou FERDINAND-DREYFUS holds a Master’s degree in Cri­mi­nal Law from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris 1 Pan­théon-Sor­bonne. Her prac­tice focuses on gene­ral cri­mi­nal law and busi­ness cri­mi­nal law. After an inter­n­ship with the Public Pro­se­cu­tor’s Office of the Bobi­gny Judi­cial Court, she joi­ned TEMIME in 2021. She is a lec­tu­rer in cri­mi­nal law at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris-Nan­terre. She is fluent in English.


Mem­ber of the Paris Bar since 2017, Jeanne AUDEON joi­ned TEMIME in 2022 after a five-year prac­tice at DUPOND-MORETTI & law firm. She focuses on gene­ral cri­mi­nal law, cri­mi­nal busi­ness law and press law. She holds a Mas­ter’s degree in finan­cial cri­mi­nal law from Cer­gy-Pon­toise Uni­ver­si­ty, a Mas­ter’s degree in pri­vate inter­na­tio­nal law from Paris I Pan­théon-Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty and a Mas­ter’s degree in ita­lian law (Lau­rea Magis­trale) from the Uni­ver­si­tà degli Stu­di of Flo­rence. She speaks Ita­lian and English fluently.


Charles MERVEILLEUX DU VIGNAUX is a mem­ber of the Paris and New York Bars. He began his car­reer in the dis­pute reso­lu­tion team of CLIFFORD CHANCE in Paris, where he prac­ti­sed for seven years. He joi­ned TEMIME in 2022, where he spe­cia­lises in com­mer­cial liti­ga­tion and white-col­lar crime. A for­mer student of the Ecole Nor­male Supé­rieure (Paris), he holds a Master’s degree in gene­ral pri­vate law from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris II Pan­théon-Assas, as well as a Mas­ter of Laws (LL.M.) from Colum­bia Law School. He speaks English fluently.


Eléo­nore HEFTLER-LOUICHE is a lawyer, mem­ber of the Paris Bar. She joi­ned TEMIME after prac­ti­cing law at SCHAPIRA ASSOCIES and DUPOND MORETTI & VEY. She focuses main­ly on cri­mi­nal law and white col­lar crime cases. She holds a Bache­lor in His­to­ry and English and a Master’s degree in Busi­ness law from the Paris II Pan­théon-Assas Uni­ver­si­ty (Magis­tère de Juriste d’Affaires – DJCE). She is fluent in English.


Mathilde DURANTHON holds a Master’s degree in Busi­ness Law from Pan­théon-Assas Paris II Uni­ver­si­ty, a Cer­ti­fi­cate in Cri­mi­nal Sciences from the Ins­ti­tute of Cri­mi­no­lo­gy of Paris, as well as a Master’s degree in Euro­pean and inter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness law from Paris-Dau­phine Uni­ver­si­ty. After inter­n­ships at inter­na­tio­nal law firms (such as ALLEN & OVERY) and at the Natio­nal Finan­cial Prosecutor’s Office, and a first expe­rience as an asso­ciate in Paris, she joi­ned TEMIME’s Mar­seille office in 2023. Her prac­tice focuses on cri­mi­nal law and white-col­lar crime mat­ters, as well as com­mer­cial and civil liti­ga­tion. In 2014, she was elec­ted Secré­taire de la Confé­rence des Avo­cats du Bar­reau de Marseille.


Mem­ber of the Paris Bar since 2021, Sophie GUINAMANT joi­ned TEMIME in 2023 after a two-year prac­tice at CLEARY GOTTLIEB STEEN & HAMILTON. She focuses on com­mer­cial and civil liti­ga­tion, as well as white-col­lar crime. She holds a Master’s degree in Busi­ness Law from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris II Pan­théon-Assas. She has also obtai­ned a Cer­ti­fi­cate in Cri­mi­nal Sciences from the Ins­ti­tute of Cri­mi­no­lo­gy of Paris. She speaks English fluently.


Taly TOLEDANO holds a Master’s degree in inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness law from Pan­theon-Assas Uni­ver­si­ty. She also stu­died at HEC PARIS legal stra­te­gy and mana­ge­ment. After inter­n­ships in law firms such as SKADDEN ARPS and DARROIS VILLEY, Taly TOLEDANO joi­ned TEMIME where she focuses on com­mer­cial and civil liti­ga­tion, as well as white-col­lar crime. She speaks English fluently.



156, rue de Rivoli
75001 PARIS
Tél. : 01 49 27 00 55
Fax : 01 42 60 62 44

Secon­da­ry office in Marseille
24, rue Edouard Delanglade,
Tél. : 04 28 38 11 45
Fax : 04 28 38 11 46

Secon­da­ry office in Luxembourg
16a, ave­nue de la Liberté,
Tél. : + 352 28 80 48 14
Fax : + 352 28 80 48 16


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