TEMIME : The culture and practice of criminal defence and litigation

Her­vé TEMIME (1957 – 2023), foun­ding part­ner of TEMIME law­firm, set him­self up in 1979 as a lawyer spe­cia­li­sing in cri­mi­nal law. His exper­tise in this field was qui­ck­ly reco­gni­sed and enabled him to become a key figure of the Bar as a result of the major cri­mi­nal pro­cee­dings in which he ser­ved as coun­sel before the cour d’assises [cri­mi­nal court].At the end of the 1980s, due to this tho­rough know­ledge of gene­ral cri­mi­nal law and the mas­te­ring of finan­cial tools, he also gai­ned recog­ni­tion as a lea­ding lawyer in the field of cri­mi­nal busi­ness law at a time when cri­mi­nal pro­cee­dings for finan­cial offences were on the rise, before expan­ding his acti­vi­ty to litigation.
In line with this com­ple­men­ta­ry approach (gene­ral cri­mi­nal law, cri­mi­nal busi­ness law and liti­ga­tion), Her­vé TEMIME deci­ded to gra­dual­ly, since 2008, build a law­firm with his best asso­ciates spe­cia­li­sed in cri­mi­nal defence and liti­ga­tion in all its forms.
Bene­fi­ting from the diver­si­ty of the exper­tise and expe­rience of its 6 part­ners, the firm acts before all cri­mi­nal, civil and com­mer­cial courts in France. It has also deve­lo­ped par­ti­cu­lar exper­tise in inter­na­tio­nal matters.
The firm’s excel­lence has been offi­cial­ly reco­gni­sed on nume­rous occa­sions : ran­kings by Cham­bers and Part­ners, in the Legal 500 and in the maga­zine Déci­deurs (Lea­ders League), Who’s Who Legal, etc.
In 2018, TEMIME won the « Best Spe­cia­li­zed Team White Col­lar Crime » award at the Tro­phées du Droit cere­mo­ny, and Her­vé TEMIME was named « Lawyer of the year » (cri­mi­nal defense) by Best Lawyers.
In 2019, TEMIME recei­ved ano­ther award at the Tro­phées du Droit cere­mo­ny in the « White Col­lar Crime » cate­go­ry, and the Firm’s lea­der­ship was ack­now­led­ged by seve­ral French major busi­ness news­pa­pers (Les EchosChal­lenges).
In 2024, the firm has 25 lawyers, all dedi­ca­ted to cri­mi­nal defense. It is the lar­gest team in France in this field.

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